Thursday, March 31, 2005

Please Q

I feel much healthier today. Not as active as usual times but I’m not pale like yesterday. I lost my appetite. Hm…but it’s still ok cause I still have the energy to work.
I was out of the office today. I went to the Kuching Waterboard at Batu Lintang to reconnect the water supply. It’s very troublesome. First, you’ll have to go to Block D to get the form, then Block A to get the slip, after that the paying counter at another bock to pay the sum and last of all back to Block D again to keep the record and get the receipt. I felt like I was playing treasure hunt. Poof~ moral of the story: pay your bill before the waterboard had actually cut off your water supply. You’ll get a hard time queuing. Those uncivilized people (I don’t wanna reveal their identities) cut my line (at block D). Stupid system, they only give out numbering tickets at the paying counter. Those people never learnt about discipline, bleh.


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