Friday, March 28, 2008

my T-Shirts

There are many pieces of t-shirts lying in my closet. So many that I think I can open up a stall to sell t-shirts. Those I bought in shopping complexes are those that I like. Other than that, I'm usually "forced" to buy t-shirts for clubs and associations. I spend an average of RM 15 on each of these apparels and I have a total of about ten of them in my first year of university life alone. I could have used the money to buy a nice dress or something fancier. I don’t mind if the t-shirt designer has great taste but some t-shirts just look bad.

Custom t-shirt makers on the other hand are happy because there will always be students who want to share the same identity by wearing this kind of uniform. In fact, you can spot students wearing this kind of t-shirts in any corner of UM you know. Some wear them to lectures, to library, to mamak etc. I also wear them to early classes whenever I want to spend another 10 more minutes to laze on my bed. We make sure that we make full use of the t-shirts so that the RM 15 is worth spending.

However, some are free of charge so I didn’t get to choose the size. Odd size means, they are really big and long. Big till one extend that they are only suitable to be worn as pyjamas. Long till one extend that people wonder if I wear pants because it has been covered by the shirt. I know I look funny like a cartoon in it, that’s why I don’t plan to upload a picture of me in the L-size t-shirt. However, if I feel lazy to change, I'll still go out in my "pyjamas", even when I go out to limteh. So I was walking pass Pokok Tanjung (a place where 3rd college students like to gather and chit chat), heading to 7th college to meet my 38 friends last night. Then, somebody called my name. The place was dark (the lights that high-light the tree were burnt I guess), so I turned my head to the direction where the voice came from and answered, “Ya?”

“Eh, we thought you were sleepwalking! You look like you walk out of your room with your pyjamas.”


Firstly, I really wear that to sleep,nothing wrong. Secondly, my seniors have a good reason to make that statement because I look so blur sometimes especially at late night, it's not impossible I can sleepwalk out of college.


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